The Man Behind the Nose / Larry Bozo Harmon
Client Igniter
An official selection of the AIGA’s “50 Books/50 Covers” exhibition showcasing excellence in book design and production published in 2010.
The Man Behind the Nose is the autobiography of the man who was Bozo. For 50 years Larry Harmon was the face—and the nose—of Bozo the Clown, the most well-known, beloved clown of them all and the precursor for every successful modern-day harlequin to come, from Ronald McDonald to Krusty. A warm, surprising, and endlessly entertaining life story filled to the brim with “Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales,” The Man Behind the Nose is brought to visual life with graphic and typographic explorations by M+P – "That's all Kids!"

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